recipes & tips (ITA)

Prepared for you

In our factories we produce and package all cuts of meat in trays that you can find in the fridge counter at your local butcher’s. Lamb, beef and pork, prepared and packaged in our factories in Macomer deliver the quality and taste that characterize all our products. You can choose our pre-packed trays safe in the knowledge that you will find the best meat and all the flavor you need to make deliciously tasty dishes.

When you choose Forma meat trays, the color of the tray will help you immediately identify the type of meat it contains.
Black trays contain exclusively Sardinian meat, that has been farmed on our island and packaged in our factory. For those who love Sardinian meat and prefer to choose products from our land, Forma black trays are an absolute guarantee of quality and freshness. See the photo gallery
The green trays only contain AGRICERT certified Organic Meat, which guarantees that the meat comes from organic farms and is therefore even healthier and safer. See the photo gallery
Finally, the white trays contain quality meats that still come from our factories, but are not necessarily of Sardinian or organic origin. These meats are always tasty, fresh and perfect for a rich and delicious main course. See the photo gallery

Black, green, or white, Forma trays always guarantee taste and quality. Every cut of meat you choose is guaranteed by the quality processes we follow at every stage of our work. The way both we and our suppliers farm, prepare, and package our meat always puts quality center stage. We know how much trust consumers have in the Forma brand, and we try to earn it day after day by delivering top quality meat that has been prepared in the best way.


Black, green, or white, Forma trays always guarantee taste and quality. Every cut of meat you choose is guaranteed by the quality processes we follow at every stage of our work. The way both we and our suppliers farm, prepare, and package our meat always puts quality center stage. We know how much trust consumers have in the Forma brand, and we try to earn it day after day by delivering top quality meat that has been prepared in the best way.


recipes & tips (ITA)